Hyungryul Baik (KAIST),
Sang-hyun Kim, Sanghoon Kwak, Javier de la Nuez-González, Carl-Fredrik Nyberg-Brodda (KIAS)
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Meeting ID: 822 3235 0014
Passcode: 7998
Time Generally, Tuesdays or Thursdays 11 am KST
Length is typically for one-hour unless noted otherwise, although it's often extended by questions etc.
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October 29th 2024, 4 pm - 5 pm (Online)
Richard Wade (Oxford University)
Title: Mapping class groups of handlebodies and Bieri-Eckmann duality
Abstract: I will give a short overview of mapping class groups of handlebodies with a particular focus on their relationship to mapping class groups of surfaces and outer automorphism groups of free groups. I will then discuss Bieri-Eckmann duality for discrete groups, Harer's proof that the mapping class group is a virtual duality group, and give a sketch of a proof due to Dan Petersen and myself that handlebody mapping class groups are virtual duality groups.
Hyungryul Baik (KAIST)
Sang-hyun Kim, Sanghoon Kwak, Javier de la Nuez-González, Carl-Fredrik Nyberg-Brodda (KIAS)